20120827 Ryan
From OO Lab
(Difference between revisions)
Latest revision as of 11:17, 3 September 2012
[edit] Progress
- Done
- install and test jmeter 、 selenium grid
- In Progress
- 20 test cases
- find polymorphic runs and use traditional distance method to estimate it
- how to improve NWA
[edit] Meeting Log
- Jmeter 可以assert哪些東西,還有統計圖表的意義是什麼,要弄清楚。
- Selenium 加入RC的簡介
- 重新design UI,email跟ypc討論
- 下週完成所有testcase
- 找個例子說明如何改善NWA使其在多型的case下結果會是好的