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Latest revision as of 18:37, 23 July 2013

This is a document about a real, public server hosting a TalkStyle server.

Most components are same as ServerBasics, except that account names are different.

The following information is VERY SENSITIVE, DO NOT LEAK to others.


[edit] SSH account

You must use SSH RSA key to login. Please contect admin for more information.

[edit] MySQL account

root password: CloudView1!2@

[edit] HTTP server

I(wcpan)'ve wrote a configration to run website on lighttpd:


$HTTP["host"] == "" {
    fastcgi.server += (
        "/" => ((
            "socket" => "/var/lib/django/run/website.socket",
            "check-local" => "disable",
            "fix-root-scriptname" => "enable",

Then you can use lighttpd-enable-mod to enable this config.

All TalkStyle resources (e.g.: place icon) is placed in /var/www/resource, which is link to /srv/ftp/root/www

[edit] Openfire

[edit] FTP

Some TalkStyle resource must download by FTP, here is some account:

Media Download: account: media password: media

Update Download: account: update password: update

If you want to upload files, please use SFTP.

[edit] Unknown Passwords

These information were placed in git repo, but I really can't remember what's these ...


account : root 
password : CloudView1!2@

read only account : media / media


account : root
password : 1234qwer
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