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In this page, we create a lot of examples for you to get acquainted with xDIVA. The examples are listed from simple to more advanced ones. It is suggested that you follow these examples to get used to the mapping editing.


A Short Tour to JDB
A Short Tour to GDB
A Binary Tree Node Example
Save and load your mappings
The Basic Concept of Mapping - How to make a valid mapping?
The Basics of a Mapping Nodes?
To avoid reconstructing the mapping

Minerva UI Commentary?
DIVA UI Commentary?

How to visualize a relation between objects and variables
Visualize pointers by UBRVM (Ultimate Basic Reference VM)
The reference VM - AutoUnfold_ubrvm

Containers - The VM that fuses, sews, aggregates and layout a set of VMs
Ultimate Basic Visualization Metaphore?
Clock - The key to Animated VM
StringComposer - Help you to configure Your Own Click Message
Use Computation in your mapping?
A Specialized Binary Relation VM - The Reference VM for visualize pointers and reference
The roles of Collectors?
The animation of xDIVA

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