Compilation Guide

From OO Lab
Revision as of 14:09, 12 July 2012 by Lukefan (Talk | contribs)

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Download Eclipse

  1. Make sure you have JRE or JDK installed(Java SE 6 or greater is recommended).
  2. Go to Eclipse Download Site
  3. Navigate to "Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers", click "Windows 32 Bit" or "Windows 64 Bit" to start downloading Eclipse.


Import CRUnit Projects

  1. Use Subversion to checkout the head version of CRUnit.
  2. Open Eclipse, go to File -> Import.
  3. Select "General" -> "Existing Projects into Workspace", then click "Next".
  4. Click the "Browse" button right behind "Select root directory" and navigate the folder selection dialog to the root of CRUnit project
  5. Make sure all sub-projects are selected then click "Finish".

Run / Debug the plugins

  1. Make sure there are no compilation errors for all projects.
    • In Eclipse, compilation is done automatically while the source code is loaded / changed; you don't need to actually "compile" them.
  2. In the Package Explorer, right-click any one of the CRUnit sub-project, then select "Run as / Debug as" -> "Eclipse Application".
  3. After a few seconds, you shall see a new instance of Eclipse, which has CRUnit plugin installed.
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