Eclipse Plugin Installation Guide

From OO Lab
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Deploy Plugin

  1. In the menu bar, select File -> Export.
  2. Select Plug-in Development -> Deployable plug-ins and fragments them click Next.
  3. Select all the sub-projects you wish to pack up.
    • In CRUnit's case, you should select the following projects:
      1. edu.ncu.csie.crunit.core
      2. edu.ncu.csie.crunit.launch
      3. edu.ncu.csie.crunit.model
      4. edu.ncu.csie.crunit.visualization
      5. edu.ncu.csie.crunit.minerva(Optional due to visualization architecture, please see the thesis of CRUnit)
  4. Choose the destination directory, for example, you desktop, then click Finish.
    • You shall see a plugins folder on your destination directory.



Install Plugin

  1. Copy all the *.jar files to the plugins folder of the destination Eclipse installation folder.
  2. Restart the destination Eclipse if necessary.


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