20120910 Jill
From OO Lab
Revision as of 15:59, 16 September 2012 by Beddfaf916 (Talk | contribs)
Progress Check
- Done
- fix a bug of finish button
- fix a bug of bst in graphviz in replay mode
- fix a bug of 關掉workbench但是程式仍沒有結束
- rewrite the script for bst in graphviz
- In progress
- visualize the structure in "graph"
Meeting Log
- Graphviz展開的部分可以讓user自己選擇要展開幾層
- user不想要bst是node的型態而是graph的型態,可以提供別種選擇
- 不要都只寫positive test case,練習寫negative和boundary的test case
- negative test case:錯誤的操作或設定流程,但不會使程式crush
- boundary test case:主要從程式碼去看,從一堆if判斷是來製造可能造成error的test case,程式不會crush