PolyTraceAid Download And Installation
From OO Lab
Revision as of 10:47, 11 July 2014 by Rickychien (Talk | contribs)
PolyTraceAid is currently implemented as an Addins of Visual Studio. It is still a research prototype that requires a lot of polishing and bug fixes. Many well-known bugs are queued to to be resolved. Please refer to the section Known Bugs for information.
Contents |
If you want to use PolytraceAid Tool, please download PTAInstallFile here.
If you want to develop PolytraceAid, please download source from oolab's gitlab (Make sure you have permission)
git clone git@
For user
- Extract All in the zip file.
- Find the Visual Studio Data Directory
- Visual Studio usually create this directory( Named "Visual Studio (version)" ) in C:\Users\user\Documents\
So the Path may looks like C:\User\user\Documents\Vusual Studio (version). - In the Visual Studio Data Directory, there should be a Directory named Addins. If not, Create The directory Manually.
- Visual Studio usually create this directory( Named "Visual Studio (version)" ) in C:\Users\user\Documents\
- Copy
- PolyTraceAid.Addin
- PolyTraceAid.dll
- Installation Complete
For developer
- 建立一個新的PolyTraceAid Addin專案,建立步驟如下:(此專案的原始碼被Subversion Checkout出來的的原始碼取代以後,即可在此專案進行PolyTraceAid的開發)
- 開啟Visual Studio 2010
- New Project...
- 左欄:Other Project Types -> Extensibility,右欄:Visual Studio Add-in,下方名稱欄(Name)填入:PolyTraceAid
- Next
- Create an Add-in using Visual C# -> Next
- Next
- What is the name of your Add-in以及What is the description of your Add-in這兩欄可以略過。然後Next
- 勾選Yes, create a 'Tools' menu item....
- 勾選I would like my Add-in to ....
- Next
- Would you like to generate settings...可忽略
- Next
- Finish
- 將PolyTraceAid自龍脈Checkout出來
- 自Checkout出來的資料夾中,取得PolyTraceAid最新的原始程式碼,並覆蓋至第1步驟建立好的PolyTraceAid專案中
- 確認Visual Studio 2010狀態為關閉
- Checkout出來的資料夾根目錄底下有一個資料夾"src-2010",將其資料夾所有內容複製至第1步驟建立的專案的原始碼資料夾中
專案原始碼資料夾應位於C:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\PolyTraceAid\PolyTraceAid
- 編譯
- 開啟第1步驟所建立的PolyTraceAid專案,此時專案應與剛建立時的狀態大不相同
- 建置專案並執行(理論上此時應該不會有編譯錯誤的情形,若出現無法寫入dll檔案的錯誤,重開Visual Studio應能解決)此時即可開始繼續進行專案開發。
- Commit code
- 除了bin與obj資料夾,將C:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\PolyTraceAid\PolyTraceAid\的內容全部複製到checkout出來根目錄的src-vs2010下,commit即可
Installation Problem
If you encounter unknown error with error number 80131515 when launch visual studio.
Solve this by right clicking PolyTraceAid.dll and select "property", then click "Unblock" button as below
Restart visual studio this problem will be solved.