20121126 Jill
From OO Lab
Progress Check
- Done
- rewrite all origin test cases on redmine and add two test cases
- fix some bugs in CRUnit
- Blocked
- produce correct .jar files to installing CRUnit in eclipse
- Research
- write probes into ExplorBot.cpp and record the call of methods and argument of methods
- encounter object-serialization problem
Meeting Log
- 題外話
- OOAD demo時要記得要叫出source code然後問問題
- demo時段分配清楚
- 回去再把CRUnit的設定弄好,把plugin編出來
- 回去如果可以再找bug就把它們找出來並且修掉
- serialization如果遇到pointer就會掛掉
- 所插入的攔截code不僅僅要包含入口也要攔截出口(i.e,呼叫外部的method)
- 針對exploreBot的某個method(ex. d_expend)動手寫一個stub
- 詳細讀完Carving and Replaying Differential Unit Test Cases from System Test Cases
- 弄清楚裡面提到的xstream library