From OO Lab
* 2010/9/25
When menu->save MDS is clicked, I try to display a text above OK button So, in resource.rc I add a MDSSAVE_STRING static text control. I want it to display a message when OK of menu->save MDS is clicked.
At first, in MdsSaveDialog?.cpp, I added
This call fails. Later, I found, hDlg is the MDSSAVE_DIALOG, not mapping dialog. So, I add an extern variable mappingdialog to save the neodialog's handle.
After I wrie into
It succeeds. I also found the following call is equivalent
SetDlgItemText(mappingdialog,MDSSAVE_STRING, promptstring);
lesson learned You need to understand which hDlg is hwich
* To enable/disable a button in win32
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, NEO_APPLY_BTN),FALSE);