Trace Entry Points - Programmers please enter here

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The Purpose

The purpose of this document is make the trace easier. Typically, to begin trace, the fast way is to run a test case and then set the break points to understand the overall execution flow.

So, each document here should contain the following

  1. Introduction
    • explain the basic datastructure, definitions
    • add UML class diagram when necessary
  2. The purpose of this trace
  3. The test case
  4. set a set of break points in files
  5. go through each break point and briefly explain the execution flow in source code
    • add sequence diagram when necessary
  6. when more details should be understood, point the documents in briefdocument for the reader to follow up.
  7. Any Debugging Aids that are already implemented for the topic
  8. Sometimes, source code can be copied.

Major Topics

  1. The major threads in DIVA and how it interacts with Minerva
  2. WOPM (Watch Object Pool Module)
  3. Command Agent
  4. xMappingTree
  5. Mapping Description String (MDS)
  6. Mapping Dialogs
  7. How VMs are constructed from a xMappingTree
  8. How input is triggered and handle in Ogre
  9. How a VM's VMPick() VMAnimation() and VMDragged() are called?
  10. What kind of races can occurs if you are not cautious enough?
  11. How the key-frame animation is triggered and the whole execution flow is done?


  1. Right Click on a VM and pop up a menu display explore and layout selection

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