Trace Entry Points - Programmers please enter here
From OO Lab
The Purpose
The purpose of this document is make the trace easier. Typically, to begin trace, the fast way is to run a test case and then set the break points to understand the overall execution flow.
So, each document here should contain the following
- Introduction
- explain the basic datastructure, definitions
- add UML class diagram when necessary
- The purpose of this trace
- The test case
- set a set of break points in files
- go through each break point and briefly explain the execution flow in source code
- add sequence diagram when necessary
- when more details should be understood, point the documents in briefdocument for the reader to follow up.
- Any Debugging Aids that are already implemented for the topic
- Sometimes, source code can be copied.
Major Topics
- The major threads in DIVA and how it interacts with Minerva
- WOPM (Watch Object Pool Module)
- Command Agent
- xMappingTree
- Mapping Description String (MDS)
- Mapping Dialogs
- How VMs are constructed from a xMappingTree
- How input is triggered and handle in Ogre
- How a VM's VMPick() VMAnimation() and VMDragged() are called?
- What kind of races can occurs if you are not cautious enough?
- How the key-frame animation is triggered and the whole execution flow is done?
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